1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echoplex)

Pour la conception et la réalisation de vos amplis.
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Et bien,

Voici un site qui contien beaucoup d'information que j'avais déjà posté sur autres forums. Quand vous chechez pour Echosonic soit via Google, etc, c'est surement un forum que je contribute.

L'info sur les lampes, l'haut-parleur, etc qui est collé ici vien de MES postes..... sans crédit bien sûr. Mais je parle le Français aussi, donc surprise surprise.

Donc, je vous envois tous ces liens pour que vous pouvez en lire d'avantage, et ne plus avoir de l'information troixième main (copié).:

http://www.rickresource.com/phpBB3/view ... a&start=30

http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewt ... 0&p=562519

http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewt ... 87#p563987

Nobody copies MY posts and gets away with the credit.....

AKA Guitarsmith
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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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:D salut Frank. c'est une surprise!
ca fait plaisir de d'avoir parmis nous quelqu'un qui connait bien les echosonic ET qui partage volontier ses connaissances ! quel gentleman ! merci :D

désolé pour ne pas avoir fait référence a tes posts :oops: . c'était un résumé des informations rassemblées par lord83 et effectivement d'apres les liens que tu as mis tu es la principale source d'information du web a propos de ces amplis !
merci d'avoir précisé les choses !

comme tu as l'air bien renseigné a tout hasard est ce que tu possède un schema d'un echosonic? meme s'il est a moitié faux ce serait déja une base de travail importante pour faire une réplique. pour l'instant c'est un ampli tres mystérieux a mes yeux.
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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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Merci Franck pour ta réponse, j'avais en effet parcouru ces posts sur le forum Rickenbacker (je les ai d'ailleurs contacté il y a deux semaines et rappelés hier, une personne très sympathique m'a précisé qu'il avait bien recu mon mail et qu'il cherchait toujours le schéma pendant ce temps là). J'aurais une question, pour toi, j'ai remarqué que dans ces post il est question d'un autre ampli mythique le Standel 25L15.
Y a t'il une connexion entre ces deux amplis (a part le fait que Chet ait utilisé les deux) au niveau du schéma, ou était-ce juste le post qui se référait à des vieux amplis mythiques et mystérieux ?

1er Edit : Sinon pour le HP j'ai réussis a avoir le week end dernier un JBL D123 en était impeccable, presque sorti de l'usine, tout droit des 50s, pour trois fois rien.

2ème Edit : Il y a quelques jours aussi je trainais sur internet en concentrant mes recherches sur le M30 Ek-O-Sound de Rick, et je suis tombé, par le plus grand des hasard, au bout de quelques heures de recherche, sur cette page qui recèle des pépites photographiques :
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OK lé gars!!

Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé pendant mon congé de Noël!!

L'ampli Echo-Sonic, fait par Ray Butts en 1953, a été aussi vendu par Rickenbacker, come le modèle M-30 Ek-O-Sound. Voici le schéma!!!!!

TRES RARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Aucune connection entre l'Echosonic/Ek-O-Sound et les amplis de Standel. C'est simplement que ces 2 amplis sont les plus rare ainsi que ceux qui ont le meilleur son (en mon opinion) pour la guitare électrique.

...heheh... tu parles que mon Français est rouillé!!!!
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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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Un peu dépouillé le schéma :lol:
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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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Oui je l'ai recu aussi, c'est un formidable cadeau de noel. De plus on remarque que chez Rick ils se sont pas embêtés, ils ont viré le transfo inter-étage. Ca devient déjà plus pratique.
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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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On peu comprendre ou alors c'est le grand secret ?

Dans ce cas faites vous des MP ça sera plus .... enfin vous comprenez !

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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

Message non lu par lord83 »

Désolé, autant pour moi, je pensais qu'il avait été posté. J'y remédie de suite.

En remerciant encore une fois Rick M30 du forum Rickenbacker

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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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ben voilà, maintenant on comprend de quoi vous nous parlez !


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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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Bon après une pause de quelques mois, je me suis relancé dans ce projet. Avec la fabrication du cabinet dont voici des photo, et en prime le haut parleur JBL que je vais utiliser.
Je vais passer commande des pièces qui me manquent.

Cependant je bloque au niveau du chassis en alu. Quelqu'un connait-il une entreprise en ile-de-france qui ferait ce genre de pièce, à un prix raisonnable ?

http://www.hiboox.fr/go/images/musique/ ... 8.jpg.html

http://www.hiboox.fr/go/images/musique/ ... a.jpg.html

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ORIGINAL POSTING: ... 017/page1/


Hello all! I know this is an old thread, but I just found it.

I was the guy who bought this 1961 Rickenbacker Ek-O-Sound model M-30. The amp never sold on eBay due to the reserve, but I held the highest bid. Anyone wanting to see the Complete Restoration of this amp and its echo tape board in detail are welcome to visit one of the many forums to which I posted the entire process:

http://www.rickresource.com/forum/viewt ... 1&start=30

At the time, Dave Kyle had given up on the Ray Butts book because of arguments with Katha Butts-House, and at a time when everyone wanted the stuff left in Randy Butts's basement, I asked if I could take on the book project, and Dave was very receptive and gave the entire rights to the book including the whole manuscript to me. I waited a long time for his accompanying photos, and I also made quite a bit of progress on the book. Then one day, he changed his mind and said he's writing the book with someone else and would not tell me who (but I knew it was Tim..). I granted his wish without a fight because it is the right thing to do. He said that Katha heard that I was writing the book and said I didn't know Ray so she was against me from that point on. What she didn't know is that Randy and I were friends, usually chatting about hunting, fishing, and vintage TV repair. Katha made every effort to make sure that I did not, and it all went to Tim Masters of course. Dave told me not to share any information about these amps with anyone, including people on the internet. This really insulted me and my efforts to try and help others in their Quest For Tone, since this is, after all, the Holy Grail.

Tim emailed me once, saying that he will do everything to keep this amp a secret, in respect to Ray Butts who was known for his amp's secrecy. He claimed that this was a way to Keep Ray's Memory and Music Alive. I can surely tell you that to keep something alive, you need to let it free and let everyone enjoy it. Ray Butts invented it, and needed the money from the amps for his family. Tim didn't invent it and his family isn’t' relying on the amp sales to survive. He bought a used one from eBay, copied it, and is trying to sell his clones to the tune of $6000 but you have to pass his interview. I don't even know of a single sale of his clones, but clearly his respect for Ray's secrecy has a price...... That being said, Tim has many friends that are also my friends, and we obviously share many same obsessions. I am confident that, in his heart, mind and soul, he has the ability to change for the better, and hopefully he will. After all, he got all of Ray's schematics, parts, tools, etc, so only he has the very historical items. It is my opinion that the schematics, etc should be shared with the entire world - now THAT would be Keeping The Music Alive. Despite all his secrecy, and the ensuing friction between us, I do respect you, Tim..... but the very information you are keeping to secret is the same information you were looking for in 2004 etc (we've all seen your posts), and the same information that you won't divulge to anyone.....

Interestingly enough, at the time when I was trying to buy this amp, I thought I was going to be ripped off, because the seller was emailing me, claming to be on the telephone with "Someone Representing The Estate Of Deke Dickerson". At first, I didn’t believe this, because I know of Deke and listen to his tunes on a monthly basis (♫ Looks Like I'm In Trouble Again ♪). But I also knew that, at the same time, Deke D had this Standel 50L15 Shop Test Amp #2 SN(has # 1096 written inside the cabinet) for sale on Ebay for $5000, saying that he already had another Standel amp (his Emerald Green SN 1032 from Don Snow), and that having 2 Standels 'qualified him for an episode of Hoarders". Well, after reading this post, and seeing that indeed Deke (DDfonic) was looking to buy this amp, I think that there is some truth to this. I say this because he owns 2 Echosonics, and now tried to acquire a 2nd Ek-O-Sound. For those that don't know, Deke bought Scotty Moore's spare Echosonic amp, so now he has 2 of those amps as well. I do not know the serial # of Scotty's 2nd Echosonic that Deke bought from him. Chet Atkins and other sources claim that Scotty bought Echosonic #03, but the tube chart on his original Echosonic (with the wide front panels) is Serial #08. Deke - If you're reading this, perhaps you remember me emailing you asking for photos of the insides of your Echosonic amp. To that, you said "not much interesting in there", but I'm sure you realize that it is extremely interesting to many many people, and surely as a collector and Echo fan you know this. I didn't push the issue with you out of respect, because I understood you wanted to retain privacy - No Problem!! It would be great to know the serial #s of both your Echosonics. I know that you have the one Ray (may have) given to Rickenbacker, and that may have been the last one, so perhaps that one is #68. But without a Ray Butts cabinet, I am almost certain that a tube chart with a serial # doesn't exists in that one. Let's face it Deke - having two of the same rare amp isn't hoarding, and neither is having two of other rare amps. But if you think that having 2 of any of these amps qualifies you for Hoarders, maybe it's time you call them up and book your episode. ;-)


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Re : 1950s Echosonic (ancetre de l'Ek-O-Sound et de l'Echopl

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Finallement! Ma restauration de mon 1957 Ray Butts EchoSonic #27:


Plus d'info à l'avenir!

Bien votre,

Frank Roy